no list of subtickets shown with Trac 1.4 ==> Genshi needed
vlt opened this issue · 3 comments
vlt commented
Installing and enabling the plugin works fine. I can enter parent tickets in the new field but the list of subtickets (or a link to the parent ticket) is not shown.
I am using the following Dockerfile (so you can easily reproduce the issue):
FROM debian:buster
ENV TRAC_DIR /var/local/trac
ENV DB_LINK sqlite:db/trac.db
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt update && apt install -y python-virtualenv && apt clean
RUN python -m virtualenv trac_env
RUN trac_env/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
RUN trac_env/bin/pip install Babel==2.9.1 Jinja2==2.11.3 Trac==1.4.3
RUN mkdir -p $TRAC_DIR
RUN trac_env/bin/trac-admin $TRAC_DIR initenv $TRAC_PROJECT_NAME $DB_LINK
RUN trac_env/bin/trac-admin $TRAC_DIR deploy /tmp/deploy
RUN mv /tmp/deploy/* $TRAC_DIR
RUN trac_env/bin/trac-admin $TRAC_DIR permission add $TRAC_ADMIN_NAME TRAC_ADMIN
RUN echo $TRAC_ADMIN_NAME:'$apr1$ehA79Brq$E75RuTlWc4Etzb2DkoMIm1' > $TRAC_DIR/.htpasswd # hunter2
RUN trac_env/bin/pip install TracSubTickets==0.5.4
RUN echo '\n\
[components] \n\
tracsubtickets.api.* = enabled \n\
tracsubtickets.web_ui.* = enabled \n\
' >> $TRAC_DIR/conf/trac.ini
RUN trac_env/bin/trac-admin $TRAC_DIR upgrade
CMD trac_env/bin/tracd -s $TRAC_DIR --basic-auth="*,$TRAC_DIR/.htpasswd,demo"
jun66j5 commented
That's an installation issue. It is needed to install Genshi. This plugin still requires Genshi even if running on Trac 1.4.
vlt commented
Thank you!
After adding Genshi to the pip requirements, it works.
thenor57 commented
Also noted in the documentation