
The web extension seems to not work properly on firefox 63

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi everyone! I have compiled locally the web-extension, with the backend set to localhost.

I have checked the developer console, and it seems that is set correctly, the problem is that the mongo db is not populated and in general the web extensions is not capable of communicating with localhost.

I use firefox 63 developer-ed. The bug is not reproduced with Chromium 69.

As a side note, after the application is build and I start the backend, in Firefox the FB-bar becomes green but I window which asks if I accept to send my metadata su fbtrex does not appear, and also the green check when a post in the timeline is collected is not present. Maybe the error resides here, as the web extension is not capable of obtaining the permissions to harvest user data.

vecna commented

Hi, recently a new version has been issued. Can you test it now? thanks

It seems to not work yet. The error when I load the manifest in firefox is
Reading manifest: Error processing background.persistent: Event pages are not currently supported. This will run as a persistent background page.

In general I think that I'm having a problem with source compilation, as after the new sources have been recompiled Chrome is not capable anymore of recognizing the build directory.

vecna commented

Hi, sorry but to me is working well with firefox 64, can you tell me more about the bug?