
improve management of opt-in

vecna opened this issue · 1 comments

vecna commented

this list of improvement is due to our roadmap and suggested by adopter feedback:

  • style at the moment the code is injected from app.js instead of having a proper materialUI component rendered in react.
  • content maybe should be clear that the opt-in is necessary to let us process the data
  • content we should ask the user if she/he is > 18yo
  • review from the web-app panel you should opt-out in any moment and put the web-extension dominant
  • logic if the user closes the first box, facebook should work, the extension should not, and offer the opt-in the day after. (if the user don't want fbTREX, just uninstall the extension instead of keeping it dormant)
vecna commented

outdated with v2.0.0