
Time and date format not supporting at x-axis

SViswanadhaReddy opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @makedonsky94

Can you please explain how the TickMarkFormatter() can convert graph data from date format to time.
Currently its supporting only date format ( yyyy-mm-dd).
And also how to set intervals like 15 mins, 1 hours and 1 day based on that graph has to adjust zoom In/out ?

Hi! TickMarkFormatter is a js function in the backend library (docs are here
We didn't find any possible ways to port that feature natively with acceptable performance. So we have implemented a feature named Plugin.
Source code of Plugin

open class Plugin(
        val uuid: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), //This is an id. No need to create the id by yourself
        val name: String, //Unique name for plugin
        val file: String, //Link to js file with proper function
        val configurationParams: Any? = null //Input params for function in that file

Lets look in the example

class TickMarkFormatter : Plugin(
        name = "tickMarkFormatter",
        file = "/android_asset/plugins/tick_mark_formatter.js"

We've made a class implementing Plugin. The field file is pointing somewhere in assets.


window.tickMarkFormatter = (pluginParams) => {
    return (time, tickMarkType, locale) => {
        const year = LightweightCharts.isBusinessDay(time) ? time.year : new Date(time * 1000).getUTCFullYear()
        return String(year)

window.tickMarkFormatter - this is a field for identification of the plugin (by The field should be function with one input param.
pluginParams - this is an input parameter.
Inside that function we need to return the custom formatter as describing here