
Error: Cannot update oldest data, last time=1658933400, new time=1658899800

VishwasNagarkar opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Team,
we are getting below crash in crashlytics

Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error: Cannot update oldest data, last time=1658933400, new time=1658899800
at jsCode.DataLayer._internal_updateSeriesData(
at jsCode.ChartApi._internal_updateData(
at jsCode.SeriesApi.update(
at jsCode.Object.(
at jsCode.SeriesInstanceService._findSeries(
at jsCode.Object.functionRef(
at jsCode.MessagePort.port.onmessage(

we are unable to reproduce it at our end could you please investigate it and provide us with further solution

Hi! This error occurring when you trying to insert or update bar which is older than latest bar in series.