
Display totals in graphs as hours/mins instead of days/h/m/s

Enthouane opened this issue · 7 comments

Have you read the documentation?
Yes, but it does not include related information regarding my question.

You are setting up traggo in
Linux native platform (Yunohost package)

Describe your problem
I am trying to keep track of the hours worked weekly by my coworkers and i by using a bar graph like so :

It works really well, but currently totals for each bar are displayed as days/hours/mins/s.


I would like to display them as hours/mins. It would be way easier to see in a glimpse how much overwork has been done for example.

I can see the reasoning, let's wait for feedback from other users if they'd like this feature.

It would be a great feature 👍
Currently, you have to do mental math for the total time and in busy charts it gets really annoying.

I would also greatly appreciate this feature, as I use Traggo for keeping track of my invoicable time and my invoices are billed per hour, so this would help a bunch. (though currently I just use a Python script to do it and round the minutes to the nearest 0.25 of an hour)

be good if a flag could be set to switch between the hours vs days

I would also love to see this feature added! :)

I'm in