
Two suggestions to readme

garrrychan opened this issue · 1 comments

Two missing instructions are to enable the following in your scratch org before pushing the app.

  1. Setup > Communities Settings > Enable Communities (error: You must have My Domain deployed to use component c:pageTemplate_2_7_3)
  2. Setup > Development > Dev Hub > Enable Dev Hub (error: You do not have access to the [ScratchOrgInfo] object)

These were not intuitive to me (although somewhat easy to query and fix).

I think these will help people fully set up the app and see what's possible with the ebikes example!

pozil commented

Hi, you are probably mixing the instructions for the different org types. You can install the sample app on a Develop Edition (DE) org or on a Scratch org. The readme has separate instructions for these two environments.

Enabling Communities
This is only required for DE orgs (step 3).

Enabling Dev Hub
This is only required for Scratch orgs (step 1).