
Required ThemeLayouts are missing in the layouts section

gaelburneau opened this issue · 4 comments


Error when deploying.

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. sfdx force:source:push on scratch org or sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app on dev org

Expected result

Deployment succeed.

Actual result

Error force-app/main/default/experiences/ Required ThemeLayouts are missing in the layouts section of E_Bikes1/themes/jepson.json. Add mappings for ServiceNotAvailable and try again.

Welcome! 👋

Thank you for posting this issue. 🙇🏼‍♂️ We will come back to you latest within the next 48h (working days). Stay tuned!

Same issue for me

I'm also facing the same issue

pozil commented

Hi all, thanks for reporting this issue. I have deployed a fix.
Please pull the latest version from the repo. You should now be able to deploy the app.