
Setting don't work

Opened this issue · 7 comments

That is an incorrect URL, and should lead to the Wiki page explaining the Configuration settings (But there isn't one for whatever reason).

Someone accidentally linked to it, instead of the actual Configuration page, long ago, and no one ever fixed it (I believe there is a pull request to do so, that has been just sitting there for ages).

Anyway, if you are looking to change settings, the URL you want is:

Hope that helps :-)

Thanks you

No Problem :-)

Hello, I followed the instructions above, and ran into a new issue. I visited the URL and then input the PIN into the website that asked for it. After that, I click my Plex library name, and then it keeps spinning a while until it kicks back a 500 error. Am I missing something?

I've never personally had that happen, so I'm sadly just as confused as you are.

For me, I almost immediately get the "successfully linked" page:

...but, even though the Trakt configuration page shows everything as working, Trakt never actually scrobbles anything; I can run sync operations, and they succeed, and I've opened up the plug-in's SQLite database, where I can see entries for each play in the history, but since sometime mid-October, nothing has been added to the activity queue to be scrobbled (and it was very hit or miss ever since around June/July before that), and the activity history ends at the same time; I can manually insert items into the queue table to be scrobbled by reformatting the data from the history table, but, while it then processes the queue, the action performed is always NULL. :(

I get the feeling Trakt has completely abandoned this plug-in in favor of Plex-Pass Web-hook scrobbling, which doesn't want to work for me either (and wouldn't fill in the months of logged but unscrobbled plays, anyway). If this keeps going, I'm just going to let my Trakt Premier subscription run out and not re-up, since it hasn't worked properly for almost half a year now.

I can't seem to get past the configuration page, what's beyond it? Instructions for how to use the plugin from the plugin settings inside of Plex?

I've never personally had that happen, so I'm sadly just as confused as you are.

For me, I almost immediately get the "successfully linked" page:

...but, even though the Trakt configuration page shows everything as working, Trakt never actually scrobbles anything; I can run sync operations, and they succeed, and I've opened up the plug-in's SQLite database, where I can see entries for each play in the history, but since sometime mid-October, nothing has been added to the activity queue to be scrobbled (and it was very hit or miss ever since around June/July before that), and the activity history ends at the same time; I can manually insert items into the queue table to be scrobbled by reformatting the data from the history table, but, while it then processes the queue, the action performed is always NULL. :(

I get the feeling Trakt has completely abandoned this plug-in in favor of Plex-Pass Web-hook scrobbling, which doesn't want to work for me either (and wouldn't fill in the months of logged but unscrobbled plays, anyway). If this keeps going, I'm just going to let my Trakt Premier subscription run out and not re-up, since it hasn't worked properly for almost half a year now.

I tried doing this again this morning, I used my phone this time because I saw your screenshot being done from an Android phone. I go to the URL, shows me a PIN, I go to the plex site and input the PIN, redirect back to your plugin and it gives me the Configuration > Connect page. I select my Plex account, and it says "HTTP Error: 404" It will do this every time I click it.