
New scrobbles for a show already marked as watched not scrobbled

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Say I've watched a show before, and it's marked as watched on Trakt. When I then mark the show as unwatched locally and re-watch it, it's not registered as a fresh play on Trakt.

When you "unwatch" locally, does this change get synced to Trakt before you "watch" it again on Plex?

"Unwatches" are supposed to sync? Since Trakt can store more than one watch event, I didn't think the plugin would delete previous watches (I hope it doesn't).

In your case, its best to mark it as unwatched in Trakt, then let it sync to your Plex server.

That way, potential database issues can be ruled out.

BTW, these are the settings I use, where I make changes to Trakt directly.


I don't want to mark it unwatched on Trakt because then I will lose my watch history. What I want is for a second scrobble event to be sent to Trakt so that two plays are registered.

These are my settings:


Is the item watched in Plex? If so, if you watch it again, another play should register for it on Trakt automatically.

That's the problem I'm having, for some reason only the first watch registers, even after the "ignore duplicates" time has expired.

What's your OS and environment? If it's Linux, you could try clearing plug-in cache.

Here's what I use in Debian Linux:

sudo rm -r "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Caches/"*
sudo systemctl restart plexmediaserver

Same issue here. Initial watch on primary server, watch syncs to secondary server fine. Mark unwatched on primary to do a re-watch doesn't sync to secondary. Then watch on primary, syncs to trakt, doesn't sync to secondary.

Same issue here. Initial watch on primary server, watch syncs to secondary server fine. Mark unwatched on primary to do a re-watch doesn't sync to secondary. Then watch on primary, syncs to trakt, doesn't sync to secondary.

I think that's a different issue actually. My issue was about syncing watch events after the first one to Trakt (so that a watch history of more than one watch can be built up). It sounds like your issue is syncing an 'unwatched' event, which I don't think is an option in the plugin and isn't something I want to sync to Trakt either.