
New install, not pulling watch history but is doing recent scrobbles

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Just installed and my log has tons of warnings, pages of the following,


"WARNING (plex_metadata.guid:115) - Unsupported metadata agent: plex"

"WARNING (plex.objects.core.base:156) - [Section] Omitted attribute: content"

Current scrobbles and pulls are working, syncs with my Jellyfin usage both ways but no matter what I set in settings it will not pull my trakt history. At least current events are working...

Amazing how hard it is to set up proper full trakt syncing in Plex, coming from JellyFin was surprising since its baked in there.

edit: Newer log looking different still not syncing, and not pulling any recent plays on other system, so just basic scrobble like a webhook.

I'm having the exact same issue, new install (I used the "master" branch of this repo), current scrobbles are working perfectly but I can't seem to make the plugin "pull" my watched history from Trakt either for Movies or TV Shows.
Any hint? Is there a way to manually force the pull sync? tagging @rg9400 to see if he has any hint :)

meanwhile I managed to get full pull sync working by setting "15 min" in the scheduled setting, it worked for movies, but not for TV Shows

I solved this by using this fork, which adds support for the new Plex movie and TV metadata agents.

thanks @TheLastZombie, I'm now using that fork but the issue is still present, even though at least I'm getting some errors in the logfile, similar to what was reported on #586

By default, Trakt's sync does a full push + quick pull. What this means is that it will push everything in its DB to trakt, but only pull recent changes from Trakt into Plex. Even if you run the full sync task, this would be the same. You have to install something like Kitana and run a full pull to actually do a full sync from Trakt to Plex. Does that work?

Master branch and my fork are the same now.

@rg9400 thank you so much for the explanation, I was not aware of the behavior (nor I knew anything about Kitana, but I do now).
Indeed forcing a full pull from using Kitana did the trick! Now all TV episodes watch status are synced to Plex!
It's still not clear why I didn't need to do anything for the Movies, those were automatically synced even without forcing the full pull from Kitana, but hey, it worked!
Thanks again!

ourtv commented

" You have to install something like Kitana and run a full pull to actually do a full sync from Trakt to Plex. "

How do I go about the full pull now that I have Kitana installed?

Never mind once I realized I needed to have C++ Redistributable 2013 86x installed I figured it out.

weha commented

By default, Trakt's sync does a full push + quick pull. What this means is that it will push everything in its DB to trakt, but only pull recent changes from Trakt into Plex. Even if you run the full sync task, this would be the same.

Why though?

You have to install something like Kitana and run a full pull to actually do a full sync from Trakt to Plex. Does that work?

Do you have an alternative? Kitana won't connect to an SSL server (at least not mine) as it fails to verify the valid certificate.
No information about a fix for this available...
I've been trying to get Trakt to full pull for hours as a new user to Plex... this is infuriating.
There has to be a way or button to manually trigger a full sync? Otherwise, what is the point?

Why though?

This is how the plugin was developed. I have no idea why that is the default behavior, but it does not look simple to patch. I assume it was done because pulling all the data from Trakt was taxing to run on a scheduled task

Do you have an alternative? Kitana won't connect to an SSL server (at least not mine) as it fails to verify the valid certificate.
No information about a fix for this available...
I've been trying to get Trakt to full pull for hours as a new user to Plex... this is infuriating.
There has to be a way or button to manually trigger a full sync? Otherwise, what is the point?

There is no other alternative that I know of other than maybe running a script manually like I've never used it, so can't vouch for it working or not. Alternatively, you can have Plex not require secure connections while you initially connect from Kitana, run the task, and then re-enable the secure connection requirement. Or install it locally on the same machine as Plex.

weha commented

There is no other alternative that I know of other than maybe running a script manually like I've never used it, so can't vouch for it working or not. Alternatively, you can have Plex not require secure connections while you initially connect from Kitana, run the task, and then re-enable the secure connection requirement. Or install it locally on the same machine as Plex.

Kitana is running in a docker and it only recognizes my instances as "remote" and refuses to connect on http nor provide me with a link to the local ip address.
Changing the html does not change the address it connects to.

I'll try the script you linked but if you have any other tips that would be great.

All this because of one stupid command / button that is missing :(

Thank you.

Kitana is running in a docker and it only recognizes my instances as "remote" and refuses to connect on http nor provide me with a link to the local ip address.

make sure you added your local access URL to Plex configuration, go to your plex server preferences -> Network -> "Custom server access URLs" it's a comma separated list, make sure you also add your local url, something like: "http://192.168.1.x:32400" probably, then try kitana again.

I'm in trouble too.

I already use Trakt on emby perfectly and I decided to install it on Plex so that both have the same sync.
I can't get Plex to identify what I've watched before and I get a lot of errors like that.
As my server has been up and running for a long time and is fully updated, including for the new agents, I don't know what else to do.

I climbed a new test server and it only included two libraries and everything worked.

Could it be something related to libraries that already exist?

2021-09-01 18:01:01,498 - plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push (7f8fa6045b38) : DEBUG (plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push:71) - Episodes.on_removed(29999, ...)
2021-09-01 18:01:01,502 - plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push (7f8fa6045b38) : DEBUG (plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push:71) - Episodes.on_removed(30000, ...)
2021-09-01 18:01:01,505 - plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push (7f8fa6045b38) : DEBUG (plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push:71) - Episodes.on_removed(30001, ...)
2021-09-01 18:01:01,507 - plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push (7f8fa6045b38) : DEBUG (plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push:71) - Episodes.on_removed(30002, ...)
2021-09-01 18:01:01,509 - plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push (7f8fa6045b38) : DEBUG (plugin.sync.handlers.watched.push:71) - Episodes.on_removed(30003, ...)
2021-09-01 18:01:15,040 - plex_metadata.guid (7f8fa6045b38) : WARNING (plex_metadata.guid:115) - Unsupported metadata agent: tv.plex.agents.none
2021-09-01 18:01:15,041 - plex_metadata.guid (7f8fa6045b38) : WARNING (plex_metadata.guid:115) - Unsupported metadata agent: tv.plex.agents.none
2021-09-01 18:01:15,041 - plex_metadata.guid (7f8fa6045b38) : WARNING (plex_metadata.guid:115) - Unsupported metadata agent: tv.plex.agents.none
2021-09-01 18:01:15,044 - plex_metadata.guid (7f8fa6045b38) : WARNING (plex_metadata.guid:115) - Unsupported metadata agent: tv.plex.agents.none
2021-09-01 18:01:15,045 - plex_metadata.guid (7f8fa6045b38) : WARNING (plex_metadata.guid:115) - Unsupported metadata agent: tv.plex.agents.none
2021-09-01 18:01:15,046 - plex_metadata.guid (7f8fa6045b38) : WARNING (plex_metadata.guid:115) - Unsupported metadata agent: tv.plex.agents.none