
Unable to sync [Unable to retrieve account details from]

Opened this issue · 105 comments


Syncing from plex stopped few days ago, while still working in jellyfin. i searched the logs and it seems for reason the plugin is unable to get the plex account.

2021-10-06 14:45:34,284 - plugin.models.m_plex.account     (7fcf495dab38) :  INFO (plugin.models.m_plex.account:118) - Refreshing plex account: <PlexAccount username: u'my-username'>
2021-10-06 14:45:34,798 - plugin.models.m_plex.account     (7fcf495dab38) :  WARNING (plugin.models.m_plex.account:126) - Unable to retrieve account details from (status_code: 422)

and this message kept on being repeated every time the server tries to sync.

[17 minutes ago] AccountAuthenticationError: Plex account is missing the server token

things 1 did.

  1. remove every trace of the plugin and reinstall. - failed same issue
  2. disclaim the server and reclaim. - nope same issue
  3. re-authorize the plugin via

I am sorry everyone, i no longer use this plugin, instead i use this tool i created to do so it's basic but works for my own needs.

Wasn't a problem with the plugin, looks like some issues with plex server 1.26. Rolled back to 1.25 and Cornishman's fork is working great.

this doesnt seem to work anymore by me after the last PLEX update "Version 4.129.1", I checked the token and its fine but it doesnt seem to update anything to TraktTV.

I will add a completely new series and a movie to PLEX library to see what will happened and if it will not work I think I have to move to "".

@CBarbas I also could not get this working again after a recent PMS update. I just switched to PlexTraktSync. Works a treat.