
Sample implementation of the PFE method for simple model potentials

Primary LanguagePython

PFE Python Models

This code is a sample implementation of the PFE method for simple 1D or 2D model potentials. The code performs the following:

  • Collect a number of samples from the canonical distribution of the given potential function, via Monte-Carlo or Replica-Exchange.
  • Estimate the value of the partition function Z (at the given temperature) from the collected sample, via the PFE method.
  • To remove the effect of sampling outliers, multiple values of the PFE energy threshold can be specified.
  • The sampling and PFE estimation is performed multiple times, in order to estimate the error of the PFE estimate.
  • The actual value of Z is also calculated analytically (where possible) and numerically, so that one can verify the correctness of the PFE result.


The code is written in Python 3 and depends on the packages numpy and scipy. If your Python install does not include them, you can create a conda environment and install them.


conda create -n py3
conda activate py3
conda install python=3 'numpy<2' scipy

when using:

conda activate py3

when done:

conda deactivate

Running the Code

To run the code, an input file is needed (see below). Then the code can be run via

./main.py input.conf

The results are printed to standard output, therefore it is recommended to redirect it so that you have a record, e.g. via

./main.py input.conf | tee output.log

It is possible to override parameters from the input file by adding the --param or -p option (which can be given multiple times). For example, to change the number of sampling loops to 1000, use

./main.py --param meta.nloop=1000 input.conf

Input File

The input file specifies all parameters and meta-parameters for the calculations. It is organized into sections, which are documented below.

Some documented sample input files can be found in the input directory.

[meta] section

  • nloop is the number of sampling iterations, i.e. how many times the sampling and PFE evaluation are performed. The statistical fluctuation of the result is used to estimate the PFE error.
  • nproc is the number of parallel processes to use. Each process performs one sampling iteration. You can set this e.g. to the number of CPU cores in your machine.

[integral] section

This section specifies parameters for the numerical integration of the partition function.

  • lower is the lower bound of the coordinate range
  • upper is the upper bound of the coordinate range
  • dx is the integration step size

[potential] section

This section specifies which potential function to use, and its parameters. The mandatory parameter in this section is func, which is the name of the function. The available functions and their parameters are:

  • harmonic: 1D harmonic oscillator
    • k: the force constant
    • x0: the equilibrium position
  • double-well: double well potential a x^2 - b x^3 + c x^4
    • a, b, c: the coefficients
  • double-well-sym: symmetric double well potential; one minimum is at position x=0 with potential V=0
    • x0: the position of the other minimum
    • h: the height of the barrier
  • double-well-asym: asymmetric double well potential; the parameters are as for double-well-sym, plus:
    • v: the height of the other minimum
  • mueller-brown: the 2D Mueller-Brown potential; there are no parameters.

[trajectory] section

This section specifies how to collect the samples.

  • method: either monte-carlo (MC) or replica-exchange (RE)
  • temp: the temperature parameter
  • kB: Boltzmann constant in your units of choice, e.g. kB = 0.0019872 in kcal/mol/K
  • seed: if set to an integer, fix the random seed; for each sampling iteration, it will be increased by one; if set to a non-integer (e.g. seed = none) the seed will be initialized randomly.
  • nsteps: the number of MC steps (per replica, if RE is used)
  • stepsize: the MC step size
  • outfreq: a sample is collected every outfreq MC steps
  • save: whether to save the collected samples; yes or no.

If RE is used, also the following parameters are needed:

  • nreplica: the number of replicas
  • temp-max: the maximum temperature. The minimum temperature is taken from the temp parameter, and the replicas are equidistantly spaced in temperature.
  • exfreq: replicas are exchanged every exfreq MC steps

[pfe] section

  • nbins: the number of bins used (per dimension) for estimating the configuration space covered during the sampling
  • threshold: for the PFE evaluation, a fraction of samples with the highest energies are discarded. threshold specifies this fraction, e.g. 0.01 for 1%. This can either be a single number, or a comma-separated list of numbers, in which case the PFE evaluation is performed for each of the listed thresholds in turn.


The main output (written to standard output) contains the following information:

  • Hash and date of the Git commit of the running code.
  • Program start and end time.
  • A copy of all input file settings (taking into account any settings overridden with the --param options).
  • ln Z_int: the value of ln(Z) obtained by numerical integration
  • ln Z_exact: the analytic value of ln(Z) (where available)
  • ln Z_est(t): the PFE estimate for threshold t, in the form mean ± std (sigma) where the mean and standard deviation (std) are obtained from the multiple iterations. sigma provides an estimate for the error in the PFE estimate of ln(Z) due to the sampling -- this can be calculated for each trajectory, and here the mean over all trajectories is printed. In general, sigma should be smaller than std, as there is an additional error from the volume calculation.
  • t=0.000 refers to the PFE estimate that is based on all samples without discarding any high-energy outliers.
  • t=_opt_ refers to the optimized threshold, which is determined by minimizing sigma.
  • ln Z_est(t) - ln Z_exact: the difference of the PFE estimate from the "exact" value, which is either the analytic value or the numeric value.
  • Estar(t): the cutoff energy E* (mean and standard deviation over the multiple iterations).
  • cut%(t): the actual fraction of high-energy samples that were discarded; most meaningful where t=_opt_.

Additionally, each sampling iteration creates a subdirectory out-0000 etc, containing the following files:

  • log records some basic statistics for the MC/RE sampling, as well as the PFE estimation of ln(Z) for this sample and the given thresholds. ln Z_est(0.0) is the PFE estimation without removing any outliers (i.e. technically with threshold = 0.0) while ln Z_est(t) is the PFE estimation for threshold value t. Further, for each threshold, an estimate for the error in ln(Z) due to the sampling is provided (σ(lnZ)), and a more optimal value for the energy cutoff E* is suggested. (Following the E* suggestions iteratively should result in minimizing σ(lnZ).)
  • If save = yes was given in the [trajectory] section:
    • Traj.dat contains the samples, one per line (space-separated coordinates).
    • Energy.dat contains the potential energy for the samples, one per line.

Reading in saved samples

It is also possible to read in existing samples, e.g. if you want to try out additional values for the PFE threshold without having to re-do the (potentially time-consuming) sampling. To do so, use method = read in the [trajectory] section. You also need to specify the temp and kB parameters.

In this mode, the per-iteration log file is not overwritten. Instead, the new PFE estimates are appended to it.

For example, to run just the PFE estimate with threshold values 5.0 and 6.0 based on existing samples that had been generated from input file input.conf, you can run (make sure not to overwrite your original output file!)

./main.py -p trajectory.method=read -p pfe.threshold=5.0,6.0 input.conf | tee output2.log

Additionally, by setting trajectory.nsteps to a lower value than originally, the read-in trajectory will be truncated accordingly (namely to trajectory.nsteps // trajectory.outfreq samples). This way, one can explore the effect of the trajectory length without having to run the expensive sampling step for all desired trajectory lengths. Example:

./main.py -p trajectory.method=read -p trajectory.nsteps=100000 input.conf | tee output3.log