
This package contains the e2e platform test suite for Shopware 6 using Cypress

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

E2E Platform Testsuite for Shopware 6

GitHub GitHub last commit David GitHub release (latest SemVer)

This package contains the e2e test suite for Shopware 6. The test suite is built on top of Cypress as well as the following Cypress plugins:

Setup for plugins

Depending on your environment (administration or storefront) please create the following folder structure:

  `-- app
    `-- <environment>
      `-- test
        `-- e2e
          `-- cypress
            |-- fixtures
            |-- integration
            |-- plugins
            `-- support

Inside the Resources/app/<environment>/test/e2e folder, please run npm init -y to create a package.json. It's very convenient to place a script inside the newly created package.json to run the tests locally. To do so, please add the following section:

"scripts": {
   "open": "node_modules/.bin/cypress open"

Now install this package using the following command:

npm install --save @shopware-ag/e2e-testsuite-platform

Next up, please create a new file e2e/cypress/plugins/index.js with the following content:

module.exports = require('@shopware-ag/e2e-testsuite-platform/cypress/plugins');

Last but not least, create a new file e2e/cypress/support/index.js with the following content:

// Require test suite commons

Writing tests

Please head over to the Cypress documentation to get familiar with the testing framework. As please get familar with our documentation for Cypress in Shopware and our how-to guide on how to write test using Cypress.

Locally running tests

Switch to the folder Resources/app/<enviroment>/test/e2e and execute the following command:

CYPRESS_baseUrl=<your-url> npm run open

It opens up the Cypress test runner which allows you to run and debug your tests.

Gitlab integration

In the following configuration, a new job called .E2E was created as a template. It installs shopware, installs the plugin, initializes the administration and storefront, sets up a testing database and executes the tests.

    stage: E2E
    dependencies: []
        -   name: docker:18.09.7-dind
            alias: docker
        -   name: mariadb:10.3
            alias: mysql
        when: always
            - development/build/artifacts/e2e/
            junit: development/build/artifacts/e2e/*.xml
        - ./psh.phar init --APP_ENV="prod"
        - php bin/console plugin:refresh
        - php bin/console plugin:install --activate $PLUGINAME -c
        - ./psh.phar storefront:init --APP_ENV="prod" --DB_NAME="shopware_e2e"
        - ./psh.phar administration:init --APP_ENV="prod"
        - ./psh.phar e2e:dump-db --APP_ENV="prod"
        - chown -R 1000:1000 .
        - docker run --name cypress -d -t --add-host="docker.vm:$(hostname -I)" -e CYPRESS_baseUrl=http://docker.vm:8000 -v $(pwd)/custom/plugins/$PLUGINAME/src/Resources/app/$MODULE/test/e2e:/e2e -v $(pwd):/app cypress/browsers:node10.11.0-chrome75
        - docker exec cypress npm clean-install --prefix /e2e
        - forever start custom/plugins/$PLUGINAME/src/Resources/app/$MODULE/test/e2e/node_modules/@shopware-ag/e2e-testsuite/routes/cypress.js
        - docker exec cypress npx cypress run --project /e2e --browser chrome --config baseUrl=http://docker.vm:8000 --config numTestsKeptInMemory=0 --spec e2e/cypress/integration/**/*
        - docker rm -f cypress

Administration E2E:
    extends: .E2E
        MODULE: "administration"
        PLUGINAME: "SwagCustomizedProduct"

Storefront E2E:
    extends: .E2E
        MODULE: "storefront"
        PLUGINAME: "SwagCustomizedProduct"

At the bottom of the configuration file we created another job called Administration E2E. It extends the previously created job .E2E and sets up enviroment variables to modify the plugin name as well as the enviroment (administration or storefront).


The package contains a bunch of pre-built commands for easier navigation in the administration as well as storefront using Cypress.

General commands

Switches administration UI locale to EN_GB


Logs in to the Administration manually


Types in an input element and checks if the content was correctly typed

cy.get('input[name="companyName"]').typeAndCheck('shopware AG');

Clears field, types in an input element and checks if the content was correctly typed

cy.get('input[name="companyName"]').clearTypeAndCheck('shopware AG');

Clears field, types in an input element, checks if the content was correctly typed and presses enter

cy.get('input[name="companyName"]').clearTypeCheckAndEnter('shopware AG');

Types in a sw-select field and checks if the content was correctly typed (multi select)

  .typeMultiSelectAndCheck('Invoice', {
    searchTerm: 'Invoice'

Types multiple values in a sw-multi-select field and checks if the content was set correctly (multi select)

  .typeMultiSelectAndCheckMultiple(['Invoice', 'Paid in advance', 'Cash on delivery']);

Types in an sw-select field (single select)

  .typeSingleSelect('Storefront', '.sw-entity-single-select');

Types in an sw-select field and checks if the content was correctly typed (single select)

  .typeSingleSelectAndCheck('Storefront', '.sw-entity-single-select');

Types in an legacy swSelect field and checks if the content was correctly typed

    '1-3 days', {
        searchTerm: '1-3 days'

Types in the global search field and verify search terms in url


Wait for a notification to appear and check its message

cy.awaitAndCheckNotification('Shipping method "Luftpost" has been deleted.');

Click context menu in order to cause a desired action


Navigate to module by clicking the corresponding main menu item

    targetPath: '#/sw/product/index',
    mainMenuId: 'sw-catalogue',
    subMenuId: 'sw-product'

Click user menu to open it up


Performs a drag and drop operation


Set the entity and default search configurations of its fields to be searchable

cy.setEntitySearchable('shipping_method', 'name');
cy.setEntitySearchable('media', ['fileName', 'title']);

Skip test if a feature is not activated


Skip test if a feature is activated


Storefront commands

Get the sales channel Id via Admin API


Performs Storefront Api Requests

cy.storefrontApiRequest(method, endpoint, header = {}, body = {})

Returns random product with id, name and url to view product


System commands

Activates Shopware theme for Cypress test runner


Cleans up any previous state by restoring database and clearing caches


Opens up the administration initially and waits for the "me" call to be successful


API commands

Authenticate towards the Shopware API


Logs in silently using Shopware API


Search for an existing entity using Shopware API at the given endpoint


Handling API requests

cy.requestAdminApi(method, url, requestData)

Updates an existing entity using Shopware API at the given endpoint

cy.updateViaAdminApi(endpoint, id, data)

Local development of the testsuite

It's possible to use a local clone of the testsuite instead of the package here on Github. It opens up the ability to write new commands and / or modify the behavior of the testsuite without pushing it to the master branch. npm link provides a convenient way for it.

git clone git@github.com:shopware/e2e-testsuite-platform.git
cd e2e-testsuite-platform
npm link

# Switch to the e2e folder inside your project for example:
# custom/plugins/customized-product/src/Resources/app/storefront/test/e2e

npm uninstall @shopware-ag/e2e-testsuite-platform # removes the remote copy of the package from github
npm link @shopware-ag/e2e-testsuite-platform

Developing with symlinking issues

Sometimes, it's possible, that the just mentioned approach does not work with some path links. For that, we suggest to directly and cautiously work in your node_modules/@shopware-ag/e2e-testsuite-platform directory to test your changes.

If those changes work as expected, you should still use the normal Pull Request workflow of GitHub to provide your changes. You can execute a final check, if you delete your package-lock.json file and node_modules folder and provide a direct link to your GitHub Branch via the package.json like this:

  "dependencies": {
    "@shopware-ag/e2e-testsuite-platform": "git@github.com:shopware/e2e-testsuite-platform.git#next-123/my-awesome-change"

After that, npm install will do the trick and your pushed changed should appear. But don't forget, that the changes in the package.json should only be used until your branch has been merged and released.