Can the library be edited to support h264_nvenc and h264_amf when extracting video frames by converting from rgba to yuv for h264_amf support?
tranvantruong801 opened this issue · 0 comments
tranvantruong801 commented
Hello, first of all, I would like to express my gratitude for this amazing tool, ffmpeg-concat. I am thrilled to be able to use it. However, I have encountered a small issue while extracting video frames, as the process is taking too long.
Upon investigating, I have discovered that h264_amf and h264_nvenc support yuv in extracting video frames, whereas your tool is currently using rgba. Is it possible to modify the library to support h264_amf and h264_nvenc by converting the frames from rgba to yuv?
Thank you very much for your attention, and I wish you all the best.