AwsS3/Multipart: Could not read the ETag header. This likely means CORS is not configured correctly on the S3 Bucket.
Closed this issue · 4 comments
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- I understand this is a bug report and questions should be posted in the Community Forum
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Steps to reproduce
i am using bunny as my media host, the files are getting uploaded but getting an error in uppy like this.
AwsS3/Multipart: Could not read the ETag header. This likely means CORS is not configured correctly on the S3 Bucket.
so the uppy.on('upload-success') methods does not get called and the path's are then not stored in my db
This started happening when i migrated from v3 to v4
I am using this in app
let uppy = new Uppy({
debug: true,
autoProceed: false,
restrictions: {
allowedFileTypes: ['image/*'],
}).use(AwsS3, {
shouldUseMultipart: false,
limit: 1,
getUploadParameters: (file) => {
let fileName =;
let uploadName = sanitizeNameForUpload(fileName);
let storageZone = bunny_zone;
let storagePath = /images/${uploadName}
let url =${storageZone}${storagePath}
return {
method: 'PUT',
fields: {
headers: {
AccessKey: bunny_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
uppy.on('upload-success', (file) => {
intent: 'save-image',
path: file.meta.storagePath,
size: file.size,
{ method: 'post' },
Expected behavior
should show success on upload
Actual behavior
Error: AwsS3/Multipart: Could not read the ETag header. This likely means CORS is not configured correctly on the S3 Bucket.
Hi, this seems to be about your bucket settings. Take a look at #5388 (comment).
@Murderlon i am using this configuration with
i need the getUploadParameters to make dynamic urls for the file upload, previously this was working fine but now when i upgraded it to v4 i am getting this error of not able to read ETag header. any advice on working around this will be really helpful?
Before the errors was also coded in place but the if condition was incorrectly written, which was fixed: #5505. So I wonder if for regular uploads we can ignore the absence of the etag 🤔
Still experiencing this issue with B2 in @uppy/aws-s3: 4.2.3