
Feature Request: Add a column for 'download remaining'

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Not sure if this is the proper place to post a feature request. I just wanted an option named download remaining that tells me how much of the download is remaining. Size to download shows the complete download size not (size to download - data already downloaded). I just recently switched from Vuze on my computer to Transmission on a Pi and this is one of the few things I miss. Cheers. And thanks for maintaining this project!

It seems everything is already there. column ETA

I was hoping to get a download remaining in size. I am already using ETA. I am migrating from Vuze and I miss seeing a quick glance over how much data remains to be downloaded. ETA does not work for inactive downloads for example. Thanks.

You want to know how many bytes still need to download?

Yup. Size to download shows the total size of the download. A remaining option would be useful that would show the remaining download in MB/GB/etc for a quick preview and also helps in sorting to prioritize the downloads!

Right now if all the downloads are paused... I cannot easily see how much download is remaining for individual entries in the queue!

Thanks for considering.


rzcat commented

done, review needed

Thanks, you can check.

Just installed the latest update. Thanks for adding the size left column!