
lowercase/uppercase .ext and .EXT no longer differentiable

trapd00r opened this issue · 6 comments

Just a heads up - we can no longer match uppercase and lowercase extensions differently, like so:

.pl 38;5;197
.PL 38;5;32

because of: coreutils/coreutils#14

We can however match the entire filename like so:

*Makefile.PL 38;5;32


So the tl;dr for us is that LS_COLORS is no longer case sensitive?


I wonder if we should react to that tho. Won't there be people be using old versions for, like, forever?

Probably, but are there many use cases where it's important? For me, personally, I think there's only one: and that's where perl makefiles always have an all uppercase PL extension which you normally never have in normal scripts.

I think what I'm saying is maybe we should ignore this and pretend it didn't happen. So leave the .PL stuff in there. Otherwise, no I don't think it's significant, although offhand I think (for mysterious reasons) I'm more likely to see .TXT and .JPG uppercased than other extensions. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, sure thing, was just a heads up if anyone (like me) relied on the differentiation. :)