
Everything is just yellow?

mnpenner opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm using Ubuntu under WSL2 and zsh. Here's what one of my dirs looks like w/ this LS_COLORS:

And when I comment out . "/home/mpen/.local/share/":

I thought it was supposed to color different file types differently?

I thought it was supposed to color different file types differently?

It does. Most likely either it's not installed correctly, or there is a problem with your terminal, or something in-between.



That matches /home/mpen/.local/share/

Is there more to it than that?

Thought maybe it was these 2 lines in my ~/.zshrc

eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors.256dark)"
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}

But I took them out and that didn't make a difference.

Took out nearly everything else and no difference. Dunno. Oh well.

I don't know. I don't use zsh, windows, or WSL2. My guess is there's something off with your terminal but it's hard to say. Maybe try fiddling with some of those variables to isolate the problem? Without a repro I don't think we can help. Sorry :\

Oh..hahaha, it was because everything is 777 under Windows. Looks much prettier under Linux 😄