
Theme only works in /tmp/ on WSL

pcroland opened this issue · 2 comments

It seems that the theme only works properly in /tmp/LS_COLORS. I think it's related to WSL because the theme does work properly on a linux server. Is there anything I can do to make it work? I tried modifying /etc/profile and /etc/zsh/zshrc aswell but same results.
I'm using zsh with powerlevel10k.
Besides putting zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} in my .zshrc the installation shouldn't require anything else, right?

On the bottom the executable bit is set in the filesystem everything. This is a common problem since Windows filesystems do not have a separate "executable" file mode like is present on Linux, so many drivers simply report that all files are executable (rather than none). I don't know of a way to handle this except to either (a) use a linux file system such as ext or (b) remove the executable style from your local LS_COLORS.

I think @rpdelaney summed it up nicely. Closing.