
Not works after installing, nothing changed.

BladeMight opened this issue · 2 comments

After i done this:

wget -O $HOME/.dircolors
echo 'eval $(dircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors)' >> $HOME/.bashrc

in my HOME dir added .dircolors file, and to my .bashrc addedeval $(dircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors) line.
But the . $HOME/.bashrc not actually work, it is say bash: .: //.bashrc: is a directory, why is that so?
But if i navigate to HOME using cd $HOME and then . .bashrc it does as must.
But colors did not changed, i tried with ls, dir, du none displays other colors, except dir --color=auto which as i think uses own colors, i mean not related to .dircolors.

How to make it work?

In ~/etc i found an DIR_COLORS file, and tried to use it eval $(dircolors -b ~/etc/DIR_COLORS) instead of eval $(dircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors) and it WORKED, looks like your file not work 😑

I take back my words, i make it work, just use eval $(dircolors -b /.dircolors) instead of eval $(dircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors), works perfect 😄