
add new extension

xtmgah opened this issue · 4 comments

Can you set different color for these extension? i don't know how to change it in my hand:



Please describe the file types and I'll see if I can get them sorted in eventually.

aureq commented

.vcf is a vCard which contact details, like email, names, address. That used to be part of Outlook Express if I remember correctly.

Maybe but I'm pretty sure it's not the vcf he meant
.bam, .bai and .vcf are all stuff about genomics (DNA, ...)
.bam is the actual data (compressed binary version of a SAM file which represent aligned sequences (ATCG...))
.bai is an index for the .bam file (to index sequence positions)
.vcf is for Variant Call Format, basically says where and what variants you have between two genomes

The other ones I don't really know much about them but also data stuff

PRs welcome :)