
Using one extends.css

yacodes opened this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for that cool plugin, but i've got a question: i've got several .css files & one extends.css file, so i wanna include all extends in my other css, @import 'extends'; throws an error <extend-class> has not been defined, so it cannot be extended, any options about that?

Sorry for the somewhat late response, have you checked your PostCSS configuration? If you want to import things and then extend them, postcss-import needs to be run before postcss-extend.

(Also, if you're not using postcss-import, extend does not and will not do the legwork of also handling the @import, you'll likely have to pick up the plugin)

@travco I wasn't using postcss-import, cause of webpack, but including it in postcss transformers list made everything fine. Thanks!