Trying to include component in RC5
rbwilcoxon11 opened this issue · 0 comments
I was trying to follow the docs, but it seems that the "directives" attribute of the @component decorator has been deprecated. So what I ended up doing was:
I added the mapping and the package into a systemjs.config.js file.
-I added the component into the root module
import { FaComponent } from 'angular2-fontawesome/components';
declarations: [
-I added font-awesome to the styleUrls of the component I want to add FA to
styleUrls: [
-And I added the FA component to a html file, and put it in the templateUrl like so
<fa [name]="'rocket'"></fa>
I am getting two issues when doing this...
- First, the icon is getting zero size; likely caused by the _ngcontent qualifier placed on the fa tag and not on the i tag (see below)
-Second, when I manually add the _ngcontent qualifier to the i tag, it shows up as a corrupted character. This is caused by a 404 on the server; the css file is relatively qualified, and for some reason causes the path not to be "/node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/...", but "/fonts/...". This is probably a personal problem, though... (see below)