
Instructions not clear for installing module on Angular 2 quickstart (systemjs)

ntsokos opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to follow the readme using the latest quickstart version of angular 2 but cannot get things to work

Angular2 QuickStart > package.json and systemjs.config.js instructions are clear and seem to work fine
Usage > app.module.ts instructions are clear and seem to work fine

Usage > sample template instructions do not seem to work

  1. Syntax on the following seems wrong as there is a closing tag at the end of the first line
let sampleTemplate = `
<fa [name]="rocket" [border]=true></i>
<i fa [name]="rocket" [border]=true></i>
  1. How do the css and font directories get copied to the output? I can see instructions for angular-cli but nothing relevant to system.js (is there an extra step that needs to be done?)

  2. I do not get what the "We can also use FaDirective if we want." means as there is no example on how to import or use a FaDirective.

  3. By using the following sampleTemplate

let sampleTemplate = `
<fa [name]="rocket" [border]=true></fa>
<i fa [name]="rocket" [border]=true></i>

I get the following outcome

<fa ng-reflect-border="true">
  <i ng-reflect-ng-class="fa,fa-undefined,fa-border" class="fa fa-undefined fa-border"></i>
<i fa="" class="fa fa-undefined fa-border" ng-reflect-border="true"></i>


Same issue. Did Quickstart from Followed instructions. No errors. No icons.

There's a missing step. You need to explicitly reference the css in your html file. You can use the following CDN if you wish:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">