
Single after_success callback after *all* builds

rkistner opened this issue · 21 comments

It would be useful to be able to execute some script only if all builds in the build matrix passed. The use case I have in mind is to perform some release process (such as publishing a gem) if all of the builds passed (also see my post in the mailing list here).

Currently the best (simplest) solution is to configure the script to run in a single build configuration, regardless of the result of the other configurations.

If something like this is implemented, there will be some complexity regarding the environment that the release script runs in. For example, does one of the build workers wait until the rest finished running, or does a new worker get started just for the release process?

For the time being, you could utilize webhooks to achieve this, as they will only be triggered once the entire build has completed.

Should probably add that I'm all for this feature. But it requires a certain coordination indeed. We'll look into it!

What would a sane environment be for the command in after_all_{success,failure} (or whatever we end up calling the callback)? Ie. how many commands should've been run? If all commands up to after_{failure,success} is expected to have run, this probably needs to run on one of the workers that ran a build before it's killed (unless we want to rerun all of the tests, which could in theory make the build result different). In that case, designating a worker at the start of the build as the worker that should wait for all others to finish could make a deadlock situation where all workers are waiting for jobs that haven't started to finish. So, that's not really an option. A better solution would be to have the worker check at the end whether all the other workers are finished, but that could hit a race condition and never run the after_all_{success,failure} script (it shouldn't run it twice, though).

So, making one of the VMs that ran a test also run the script is tricky because concurrency. It would be easier if we could, at the end, spin up a new worker, but then the question is how many commands do we need to run? Obviously we should at least check out the git repository, and I think before_install and install should probably be run, but do the before_script and script scripts have to be run? Also, any of those scripts could have parts of them determined by what job in the matrix is being run, how do we decide which one to pick?

I'm 👍 on the idea in general, but I think we need to answer the questions above before we can have a good implementation.

For predictability you'd probably want the release script to run in a specific environment, not in the one that finished last.

I like the idea of new worker started up for the release process. In this case, an environment (Ruby version, environment variables, etc) should be specified explicitly for this worker. I agree that the before_install and install steps should be run, but I don't think we need more than that.

I'm also facing the same problem. Here are my 0,02 €.

In a matrix build, each worker generally creates the artifact under test. The artifact may or may not differ from matrix cell to matrix cell. It is the responsibility of each matrix cell job to publish its particular artifact outside Travis-ci (be it in snapshot state, release state, whatever).

For the case where each worker re-creates the same artifact over and over (e.g. matrix coordinates do not affect the artifact builder), this is my case for instance, then I can easily manage to only deploy from a single matrix cell worker.

So that was about publishing build result.

Now, for the "promotion", whatever this means (in my case, publishing into an official Eclipse p2 repository, for somebody else, pushing to Heroku, for another, promoting an artifact from a private repository to a central repository, etc.).

This "promotion", which must run only once if all workers succeed, could indeed run in a new environment. Simplest thing that may work. I'm not sure if this should be one of the test environment (as far as matrix env variables are concerned), but I guess that would do no harm to be able to specify one.
Having before_install and install steps run should indeed be sufficient.

We have discussed different ways of doing this, and we have a feature in the planning phase that should solve this. Basically we're working on a way to create build matrices with dependencies. Ie. "run this job after these jobs are done". I believe having something like that may solve this issue too.

Look forward to that, would be very useful

md5 commented

Since nobody else seems to have mentioned it, I'll just add that something like this would be useful not just after all the matrix builds have run, but also before any of them have run.

The use case I have in mind is running WAD in a Rails project before any matrix builds run to allow it to pre-publish any needed gems to S3 before the actual builds run. This avoids a race condition where all of the builds in a matrix will potentially re-publish the same gems to S3, saving on overall build time, S3 bandwidth, and worker bandwidth.

We are facing the same issue, when trying to parralelize our test suite into smaller subbuilds. We have an after_success callback that deploys our app and this will run now once the first subbuild has passed (even though the other one may pass)

Found this issue that was created long time ago.
Until this is not done, maybe someone may found this useful travis_after_all

We're also affected by this - we're trying to push a release_<build> tag after all successful builds.

@dmakhno, thanks, using as temporary replacement until @travis-ci will implement this natively.

If you decide to use travis_after_all, ensure that you take a look at dmakhno/travis_after_all#1 and follow HTTP redirect with curl.

I would really like a feature like this!

another +1

👍 here, too

I'm locking this issue for the time being as we are aware of the request but don't have an ETA on when it will be ready.

joshk commented

Hi All

It's been far too long since my last comment.

We are in the planning stages for what we have termed 'Build Stages'. This will allow for pipelined-ish job groups.

We are putting together the feature plans for this year, with this work likely to fall in Q1/Q2 next year.

I will also be adding this to in the coming weeks.



To an extent, this issue would be resolved by a recent beta feature, Build Stages. You can find more about this feature in, and the ongoing discussion in travis-ci/beta-features#11. (Be sure to read the entire issue before adding your comments; some of your concerns are probably already discussed in the issue.)