
nixos-options and helm-nixos-options load slowly

magnetophon opened this issue · 5 comments

I haven't looked into why, but these two are by far the slowest loading pkgs in my spacemacs:
3.4 and 4.0 seconds, with the runners up needing 0.6 and 0.5 seconds.

Mic92 commented

It also blocks the execution of my editor when opening nix files. Is it possible to run nix-build asynchronously?

Mic92 commented

I asked doom-emacs to remove this package because this bug.

I use doom as well now.
It'd be nice if the root cause was found though.

Mic92 commented

Well. I know the root cause, the module should use the non-blocking api for executing nix-build. But my emacs-fu is not strong enough to make this happen. This is a similar problem to: wbolster/emacs-direnv#31

Mic92 commented

Also see purcell/envrc#6 for more discussion on making things asynchronous.