Please consider adding vendor dir to next release
dinapappor opened this issue · 3 comments
I am developing a port for FreeBSD where network access is not allowed during build phase. Thus I have no possibility of running go get or deps ensure. Therefor it would be very cool if vendor dir could be added. It would not only benefit FreeBSD, but it'd ensure consistency with other operating systems as well.
If the project switches to go module support, you could also package the port using go mod vendor
and then build it with -mod vendor
, but you could also use a similar approach with the current system, I expect.
Vendor directories unnecessarily bloat the repository and are a relict of pre-go mod
dependency management.
With modules, it's possible to set up a local module package that packages are pulled from rather than the network. If you build with -mod=readonly
, the build process will only ever use the exact set of dependencies specified by go.mod, verified by go.sum.
Using Go modules now, don't intend to vendor.