
Shutting down Bucky

Closed this issue · 3 comments

trbs commented

Shutting down Bucky is currently done with a very blunt axe.
All childs are terminated, which could have some edge cases:

Using the close() method to stop the run() main loop should go a long way to make this better.

Not exactly the topic, but related: "Persistating gauge-values does not work (Version 2.2.1)"
The reason is that inside pre_shutdown is called inside close. But close is executed in the context of the main-process (the process-object is just a dummy/proxy/or-what-ever).
Moving the try: ... except: block into the if data==b'EXIT': block inside the run method fixes this issue, then it gets executed in the context of the child-process.

trbs commented

commit: e9a96a1
thanks !

trbs commented

Uploaded 2.2.2 release which includes the fix