
string \z escape causing ERROR

Closed this issue · 3 comments

will commented

If I have this code formatted like this (which runs fine)

local fd = vim.loop.fs_scandir(vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '/lua/user/')
for name in
  function() return vim.loop.fs_scandir_next(fd) end
  do require('user.' .. name:gsub('.lua\z', '')) end

I get the parse tree

local_declaration: variable_declaration [0, 0] - [3, 52]
  assignment_statement [0, 6] - [3, 52]
    variable_list [0, 6] - [0, 8]
      name: identifier [0, 6] - [0, 8]
    expression_list [0, 11] - [3, 52]
      value: function_call [0, 11] - [3, 52]
        name: dot_index_expression [0, 11] - [0, 30]
          table: dot_index_expression [0, 11] - [0, 19]
            table: identifier [0, 11] - [0, 14]
            field: identifier [0, 15] - [0, 19]
          field: identifier [0, 20] - [0, 30]
        arguments: arguments [0, 30] - [3, 52]
          function_call [0, 31] - [3, 52]
            name: function_call [0, 31] - [3, 45]
              name: dot_index_expression [0, 31] - [3, 39]
                table: function_call [0, 31] - [3, 35]
                  name: dot_index_expression [0, 31] - [0, 45]
                    table: dot_index_expression [0, 31] - [0, 37]
                      table: identifier [0, 31] - [0, 34]
                      field: identifier [0, 35] - [0, 37]
                    field: identifier [0, 38] - [0, 45]
                  arguments: arguments [0, 45] - [3, 35]
                    ERROR [0, 46] - [3, 19]
                      binary_expression [0, 47] - [2, 52]
                        left: binary_expression [0, 47] - [0, 69]
                          left: binary_expression [0, 47] - [0, 64]
                            left: function_call [0, 47] - [0, 60]
                              name: identifier [0, 47] - [0, 53]
                              arguments: arguments [0, 53] - [0, 60]
                                string [0, 53] - [0, 60]
                            right: identifier [0, 61] - [0, 64]
                          right: identifier [0, 65] - [0, 69]
                        ERROR [0, 70] - [1, 11]
                          identifier [1, 0] - [1, 3]
                        right: function_definition [2, 2] - [2, 52]
                          parameters: parameters [2, 10] - [2, 12]
                          body: block [2, 13] - [2, 48]
                            return_statement [2, 13] - [2, 48]
                              expression_list [2, 20] - [2, 48]
                                function_call [2, 20] - [2, 48]
                                  name: dot_index_expression [2, 20] - [2, 44]
                                    table: dot_index_expression [2, 20] - [2, 28]
                                      table: identifier [2, 20] - [2, 23]
                                      field: identifier [2, 24] - [2, 28]
                                    field: identifier [2, 29] - [2, 44]
                                  arguments: arguments [2, 44] - [2, 48]
                                    identifier [2, 45] - [2, 47]
                      identifier [3, 14] - [3, 18]
                    string [3, 19] - [3, 35]
                field: identifier [3, 36] - [3, 39]
              ERROR [3, 39] - [3, 41]
                ERROR [3, 39] - [3, 40]
                identifier [3, 40] - [3, 41]
              arguments: arguments [3, 41] - [3, 45]
                string [3, 41] - [3, 45]
            arguments: arguments [3, 45] - [3, 52]
              string [3, 45] - [3, 52]

which has several errors

but formatted more normally like

local fd = vim.loop.fs_scandir(vim.fn.stdpath "config" .. "/lua/user/")
for name in function() return vim.loop.fs_scandir_next(fd) end do
  require("user." .. name:gsub(".lua\z", ""))

I get less errors, but still one

local_declaration: variable_declaration [0, 0] - [0, 71]
  assignment_statement [0, 6] - [0, 71]
    variable_list [0, 6] - [0, 8]
      name: identifier [0, 6] - [0, 8]
    expression_list [0, 11] - [0, 71]
      value: function_call [0, 11] - [0, 71]
        name: dot_index_expression [0, 11] - [0, 30]
          table: dot_index_expression [0, 11] - [0, 19]
            table: identifier [0, 11] - [0, 14]
            field: identifier [0, 15] - [0, 19]
          field: identifier [0, 20] - [0, 30]
        arguments: arguments [0, 30] - [0, 71]
          binary_expression [0, 31] - [0, 70]
            left: function_call [0, 31] - [0, 54]
              name: dot_index_expression [0, 31] - [0, 45]
                table: dot_index_expression [0, 31] - [0, 37]
                  table: identifier [0, 31] - [0, 34]
                  field: identifier [0, 35] - [0, 37]
                field: identifier [0, 38] - [0, 45]
              arguments: arguments [0, 46] - [0, 54]
                string [0, 46] - [0, 54]
            right: string [0, 58] - [0, 70]
ERROR [1, 0] - [3, 3]
  for_generic_clause [1, 4] - [1, 62]
    variable_list [1, 4] - [1, 8]
      name: identifier [1, 4] - [1, 8]
    expression_list [1, 12] - [1, 62]
      function_definition [1, 12] - [1, 62]
        parameters: parameters [1, 20] - [1, 22]
        body: block [1, 23] - [1, 58]
          return_statement [1, 23] - [1, 58]
            expression_list [1, 30] - [1, 58]
              function_call [1, 30] - [1, 58]
                name: dot_index_expression [1, 30] - [1, 54]
                  table: dot_index_expression [1, 30] - [1, 38]
                    table: identifier [1, 30] - [1, 33]
                    field: identifier [1, 34] - [1, 38]
                  field: identifier [1, 39] - [1, 54]
                arguments: arguments [1, 54] - [1, 58]
                  identifier [1, 55] - [1, 57]
  identifier [2, 2] - [2, 9]
  string [2, 10] - [2, 17]
  function_call [2, 21] - [2, 42]
    name: method_index_expression [2, 21] - [2, 30]
      table: identifier [2, 21] - [2, 25]
      method: identifier [2, 26] - [2, 30]
    arguments: arguments [2, 30] - [2, 42]
      string [2, 31] - [2, 42]
  identifier [3, 0] - [3, 3]

when I don’t think there should be any?

Should be available in nvim-treesitter after this is merged: nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter#3129

will commented

Works great, thanks!