
Not getting any syntax highlighting

sonictk opened this issue · 1 comments

GNU Emacs 31.0.50 (build 3, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2024-07-31

I built and installed tree-sitter-c-sharp from source, and while I can definitely see the mode working, I have no syntax highlighting at all.

 (using_directive using (identifier) ;)
 (using_directive using
   qualifier: (qualified_name qualifier: (identifier) . name: (identifier))
   . name: (identifier))
 (using_directive using
  (qualified_name qualifier: (identifier) . name: (identifier))
  (modifier public)
  class name: (identifier)
  (base_list : (identifier))
   (declaration_list {
     (modifier public)
     name: (identifier)
      (parameter_list (
       (parameter type: (identifier) name: (identifier))
     (constructor_initializer : base
      (argument_list (
       (argument (identifier))
      (block { (comment)
        (assignment_expression left: (identifier) operator: =
         right: (boolean_literal false))
        (assignment_expression left: (identifier) operator: =
         right: (boolean_literal true))

I can see the syntax tree, though. Comments are given highlighting, but nothing else. This is even when using vanilla Emacs with no other modes enabled. Is this expected? I'm not the most familiar with tree-sitter, but other languages seem to work OOTB, so if someone could point me in the right direction as to what I'm doing wrong that would be appreciated.

This is not an issue with the parser. Ask other emacs users for help.