bug: Parsing error on the function definition
Raghava-Ch opened this issue · 3 comments
Did you check existing issues?
- I have read all the tree-sitter docs if it relates to using the parser
- I have searched the existing issues of tree-sitter-c
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Describe the bug
While parsing the function with STATIC, INLINE, BOOL, MODULE_NAME, which are defined showing semicolon missing error example is given below.
However I have done some work around which can be used until this issue is fixed.
Function definition grammar
function_definition: ($) => seq(
field("declarator", $._declarator),
field("body", $.compound_statement),
Conflicts entries:
[$.function_definition, $.declaration, $._old_style_function_definition],
[$.function_definition, $._old_style_function_definition],
[$.declaration, $.function_definition],
Steps To Reproduce/Bad Parse Tree
Just paste the given code in the tree-sitter playground, And observe the AST for the parse error.
Expected Behavior/Parse Tree
Expected to parse the code without errors, like below example.
STATIC INLINE int do_stuff(int arg1) {
return 5;
type: (type_identifier)
type: (type_identifier)
type: (primitive_type)
declarator: (function_declarator
declarator: (identifier)
parameters: (parameter_list
type: (primitive_type)
declarator: (identifier))))
body: (compound_statement
STATIC INLINE int do_stuff() {
return 5;
custom macros won't generally have great parsing output since tree-sitter isn't context aware, sorry.
Hi amaanq,
Sorry for writing again.
I actually observed this pattern of function definitions in most embedded systems code bases.
Companies usually prepend module name for function definitions.
#define LOCAL static
I understand tree-sitter don’t know the context, but expected at-least to parse without errors.
the workaround I provided at-least parse without errors and it didn’t break any existing test cases.
I kindly request again to reconsider.
We can't cherry pick conventions used in specific sectors - that'll just open the gates for anyone in any environment/sector to pitch for their own popular macros that are used. If I were you, and I've done this before for specific C parsing needs, like with IDA Pro's decompiler output of C code, I would fork this, edit in the qualifiers/modifiers you need, and use that.