Strange behavior with strings?
jrfaller opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Hi, and thanks a lot for the amazing work on this PHP parser!
I am writing a generic tree transformer for tree-sitter grammars in order to integrate them in a structural diff tool ( and I was currently trying to integrate PHP thanks to your awesome grammar.
I noticed something weird for the case of strings. If I parse
<?php foo("test") ?>
I obtain (syntax is this: type: associated_text [start_pos,end_pos]
, I only retain the associated text on leafs)
program [0,21]
php_tag: <?php [0,5]
expression_statement [6,17]
function_call_expression [6,17]
name: foo [6,9]
arguments [9,17]
(: ( [9,10]
argument [10,16]
encapsed_string [10,16]
": " [10,11]
string: test [11,15]
": " [15,16]
): ) [16,17]
text_interpolation [18,20]
?>: ?> [18,20]
Which is perfect! (perhaps thinking again I am not sure to understand the text_interpolation node but this is not a problem for my usage)
However for the program
<?php foo('test') ?>
I get
php_tag: <?php [0,5]
expression_statement [6,17]
function_call_expression [6,17]
name: foo [6,9]
arguments [9,17]
(: ( [9,10]
argument [10,16]
string [10,16]
': ' [10,11]
': ' [15,16]
): ) [16,17]
text_interpolation [18,20]
?>: ?> [18,20]
Notice that in this case the value associated to the string
production is not in any child of the string
typed node, as it was the case for the encapsed_string
and it prevents me to associate the string value to the string node since I retain only the text for leaf nodes.
Is it a normal behavior? Would it be too much hassle to make it work like encapsed_string
OK I have checked with several other grammars and it seems a common behavior in fact for instance print("string")
in python gives :
module [0,13]
expression_statement [0,12]
call [0,12]
identifier: print [0,5]
argument_list [5,12]
(: ( [5,6]
string [6,11]
": " [6,7]
": " [10,11]
): ) [11,12]
so I guess I will have to adjust the behavior of my tree transformer!
Thanks for reporting this! Would it be sufficient for your use case if we added a 'value' field to the actual string body?
I can totally live with a tree rewrite on my end, and I do not want to mess with the structure of your grammar if it does not make sense. But by looking into it, I think that maybe there is something a little strange in the current way of handling string, which make them not really homogeneous:
- there is
typed nodes with opening and closing"
children - there is
typed nodes with opening and closing'
children, not to be confounded with thestring
typed node that can be the child of anencapsed_string
and have no child
Maybe it would be easier to process to have
typed nodes with opening and closing"
children (or something like that)string
typed nodes with opening and closing'
Again, I don't want you to mess up the grammar, I don't have the full picture of the productions involving strings and maybe there are some additional children in some cases I did not see so if you think it does not make sense don't hesitate to close the issue ^^
Thank you for your detailed explanation and for being so kind and polite about it! ๐
What you're pointing out is an inconsistency I've been meaning to address, but haven't yet gotten around to. I think your proposal of adding a child node to string
and reusing this inside encapsed_string
where we're using string
directly today is a good solution.
@maxbrunsfeld Any objections to adding a child node to our current string
node? This will be a breaking change from previous releases when it comes to this particular node. However, note that we've had to make other (currently unreleased) breaking changes already, like the precedence change for .
(I'll also have to admit being the one who introduced this inconsistency when I was new to parser design/development)
Yeah, I'm fine with adding a string_value
child, or something like that.
I'm just guessing here since I'm new to tree-sitter,
I guess this is considered a correct result?
EDIT: This seems to be a difference between the first one being a string
and the second one being a encapsed_string
, so it's probably not a parser error. It's probably something missing somewhere else... Like somewhere in the Emacs wrapper for tree-sitter or maybe the theme I'm using for Emacs.