
Is there any way I can make it support c++14 or later ? I like it a lot, I am using Ubuntu

astrolemonade opened this issue · 7 comments

Is there any way I can make it support c++14 or later ? I like it a lot, I am using Ubuntu

You can set to the CXXFLAGS parameter in /home/(your account)/.config/cpi/cpi.conf file.

CXXFLAGS=-fPIC -pipe -std=gnu++14 -D_REENTRANT

there is not such a folder in the .config folder in my home directory, I checked the show hidden files box, but nothing. Can you help me please?

I made one and created a cpi.config file and entered the text you said. Thank you

Is there any detailed docummentation for this tool ?

Fix in ea56d92.

Is there any detailed docummentation for this tool ?

No. Show helps of the command. Type ".help".