本插件是一個 Chrome 瀏覽器插件,可以將 ChatGPT 的對話匯出成 txt 格式的文檔,保存到本地,以便進一步的分析和處理。
This is a Chrome browser plugin that allows you to export ChatGPT conversations into txt format documents. With this plugin, you can easily save ChatGPT conversations locally for further analysis and processing.
- 下載本項目的 zip 檔案,並解壓縮。
- 在 Chrome 瀏覽器中打開擴展程序頁面(可以在地址欄中輸入 chrome://extensions/)。
- 在擴展程序頁面中,勾選“開發者模式”(Developer mode)。
- 點擊“載入未封裝項目”(Load unpacked),並選擇剛剛解壓縮的文件夾。
- 完成安裝。
To install the plugin, follow these steps:
- Download the zip file of this project and unzip it.
- Open the Extensions page in your Chrome browser (you can enter chrome://extensions/ in the address bar).
- Check "Developer mode" in the Extensions page.
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the unzipped folder.
- Installation is complete.
安裝完成後,在使用 ChatGPT 的場景中,您可以按下插件圖標,然後選擇“Save Content to TXT”來匯出對話。匯出的文檔將保存在下載文件夾中,您可以在本地打開這個文檔進行查看和處理。
After installation, in any scenario where ChatGPT is used, you can click on the plugin icon and select "Save Content to TXT" to export the conversation. The exported document will be saved in your download folder. You can open it locally for viewing and processing.
如果您發現本插件存在問題,或者有改進的建議,歡迎提交 issue 或 pull request。感謝您的貢獻!
If you find any issues with the plugin, or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to submit an issue or pull request. Thank you for your contribution!
本插件使用 MIT 授權,您可以自由使用、修改、分發本插件的源代碼,但應遵守 MIT 授權條款。
This plugin is licensed under the MIT license. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the source code of this plugin, subject to the terms of the MIT license.