This repository contains the design files of my business card.
The card is based on an MSP430G2553 microcontroller, which is programmed to blink an LED in a pattern and transmits a message via NFC.
This repo contains various code samples for the MSP-430G2 launchpad. The processor seems reasonably low-cost for most applications and is reasonably low-cost, when in-stock.
- Low cost
- COR in Malaysia
- Good documentation
- C++ support through GNU toolchain
- Mature user community
- Can buy direct from TI
- 16-bit ALU, slow compared to ARM
- Proprietary debug interface
- not scriptable with OpenOCD
- no Semihosting support
- Proprietary toolchain by default
- Allegedly better optimized than comparable GCC toolchain
- No dedicated Systick timer
- No device with crystal-less USB device operation
- Budget +$0.3 compared to crystal-less alternative
- Install MSP430GCC, MSPFlasher
- Make sure the tools are in
# Build all sources
meson build --cross-file meson.ini
cd build
meson -v -C build compile
# Flash sources to target
meson compile flash_<sample_name>
- See Hardware for the required peripheral connections.