
RUSTSEC-2020-0053: dirs is unmaintained, use dirs-next instead

github-actions opened this issue · 2 comments

dirs is unmaintained, use dirs-next instead

Status unmaintained
Package dirs
Version 1.0.5
Date 2020-10-16

The dirs crate is not maintained any more;
use dirs-next instead.

See advisory page for additional details.

This comes from tremor-script's build dependencies, via lalrpop -> ascii-canvas -> term -> dirs. Related to #2 and the path is deemed non-critical for our use.

There is an open issue for ascii-canvas to move away from term: nikomatsakis/ascii-canvas#4

Term has also switched to dirs-next in latest master, via Stebalien/term#103. When there's a term release with the change, we can potentially update ascii-canvas and then lalrpop, to close this issue out.

This is resolved