
Cannot automatically expand column width on IE and Edge with long text string

cheton opened this issue · 1 comments

Sample Code

    <TableCell style={{ minWidth: 220 }}>
            style={{ width: '100%' }}
            <Dropdown.Toggle btnStyle="flat" noCaret style={{ width: '100%', height: 36 }}>
                <FlexContainer fluid gutterWidth={0}>
                    <Row style={{ flexWrap: 'nowrap' }}>
                            {'This is a very very very long text string.'}
                        <Col width="auto">
                            <Caret />

Adding flex-basis: calc(100% - 16px) will make it work for IE and Edge browsers.

<Col style={{ flexBasis: 'calc(100% - 16px)' }}>
    {'This is a very very very long text string.'}