
Badges Implementation Discussion

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Continue the discussion about Add badges to the root README for visibility from PR #13

The idea that "adding badges to the root README will give a wrong sense of code quality for the repo and could send the wrong message and affect confidence and widespread adoption amongst MSPs, partners and community users."

The concern of implementing badges in the root README instead of in each project individually might not reflect the quality of the entire repository, compared to each project individually. For example, if we have 3 vulnerabilities in a single project/code to fix, in case the badges are in the root repository it gives the sense that these are for all projects.

I was thinking about how to make a badge to reflect PR and Issues to a specific project (I don't know if that is even possible), so I will make some tests outside of this repository to make sure I can replicate this.

What are your thoughts about leaving the workflow status for the linter and security scan in the main repository?

For the workflows, I'm almost sure that we cannot make them project-specific, at least not with a single repository.

The way that the repository is organized today it can't be done so I will close this issue for now, if someone want to revisit this just re-open the issue.