
How can I get logLevels to show as String values like INFO instead of 30 in the log file ?

vijaybalakrishnanintel opened this issue · 1 comments

I use this:
const logger = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'logger', subSystem: 'scheduler', streams: [{ type: 'raw', stream: new RotatingFileStream({ path: './scheduler.log', period: '1d', // daily rotation totalFiles: 10, // keep 10 back copies rotateExisting: true, // Give ourselves a clean file when we start up, based on period threshold: '10m', // Rotate log files larger than 10 megabytes totalSize: '20m', // Don't keep more than 20mb of archived log files gzip: true // Compress the archive log files to save space }), level: (process.env.LOG_LEVEL) || 'debug' }] });
The log file shows log level as 30 for INFO etc. I would like to see the log level as INFO etc instead.

you can find it here #194