
Remove an item

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I have setup my collection to have a keyPath using the id of an item. How would I remove this using a store? My code is below but is not working. It is throwing a DataError: Data provided to an operation does not meet requirements.

async removeById(collection, id) {
  const txn = await this.createTransaction(collection);
  const store = txn.objectStore(collection);
  const request = store.get(id);
  let entity = undefined;

  // I am not sure this is correct to use a cursor since I am doing store.get()
  await requestCursor(request, cursor => {
    entity = cursor.value;

  if (!entity) {
    throw new NotFoundError(`An entity with id = ${id} was not found in the ${collection} `
      + `collection on the ${} indexedDB database.`);

  await requestTransaction(txn);
  return entity;

I figured it out. This is how you would remove an item.

async removeById(collection, id) {
  const txn = await this.createTransaction(collection, true);
  const store = txn.objectStore(collection);
  const request = store.get(id);
  let entity = undefined;

  await requestCursor(request, (item, stop) => {
    entity = item;

  if (entity) {
    await requestTransaction(txn);

  return entity;