
conda installation not working

jp5000 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Trever,
Thank you for the great job. I have been using your library for a while and find it very useful.

I want to include your library as part of the conda env requirements for a library I am working on, but I can't manage to install rbf with conda. In the documentation you mentioned:

conda install rbf -c treverhines -c conda-forge

But I get the following error:

`PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  • rbf

Current channels:

Thank you again,

Hi JP,

Thanks for letting me know. This is my first attempt at making a conda package, and I clearly have some kinks to work out. I am guessing that the problem is that you are trying to install the package on a Mac, and I have only uploaded conda packages for linux. At some point I will dig into the conda-build docs to figure out a better solution. For the time being, I removed the conda installation instructions from the readme because I am finding that the conda installation fails more often than not.