
ASP.NET 6 Blazor and API app built for Educaitonal Purposes

Primary LanguageC#

BookStore API and Blazor Application

ASP.NET 6 Blazor and API app built for Educaitonal Purposes

Full Course: Udemy | SkillShare

By doing this course, you would have:

  • Build a fully data driven REST Web API using cutting edge technology
  • Build a Single Page Application client side UI using Blazor Server AND Blazor WebAssembly
  • Connect to an existing Database using Entity Framework Core
  • Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection
  • Progressive Web Application with Blazor
  • Setup Logging using Serilog
  • Setup API documentation using SwaggerUI
  • Understand the REST design principles
  • Understand C# and .NET Core Web Syntax
  • Use NSwag to speed up API Client Development
  • Understand user Authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • Store JSON Web Tokens using Local Browser Storage
  • Handle Blazor Application User Authentication State
  • Consume REST Web API in Blazor Application
  • Understand how to use Models, DTOs and AutoMapper
  • Manage Packages with NuGet Manager
  • Setup GitHub for Source Control
  • Deploy Applications and Database to Microsoft Azure