
Primary LanguageJavaScript


ToDo & Questions

  • determine if address is within ARPA neighborhood
  • add logic to update a cell(s) to designate row as needing to be contacted
  • missing some values from google form
    • has applicant (home?) received help from any of the programs within last 2 years
    • applicant DOB or age
    • has applicant has lived in home for over a year
  • Question: In the screener, a resident is eligible for all programs is under 200% Federal Poverty line. Does this supersede all other income reqs?
  • Question: "County Corp Home Repair" has 2 separate income reqs. Should we just use the easier to meet req to "catch-all"?
  • (possible) add test suite and some test cases

How can we trigger our code?

Using a Google Apps Script we can add some JavaScript to a Google Sheet.

We can trigger that JavaScript through a custom menu in Google Sheets.

The JavaScript code is found in the index.js file. There are some comments which denote sections to help with readability.

Documentation For Code

This code is still in progress so this is the current state of the docs


checkAllForProgramEligibility is a function which will be assigned to a custom menu option. We could also choose to run this function based on a trigger.

checkAllForProgramEligibility will read the whole sheet and loop through each row. Each row represents a google form submission or a user.

We'll take the cells from that row and pass that data to functions which will determine if that user is eligible for a program. There are functions for each program and each return a boolean.

If we get any trues returned from the functions then we will update a cell in that row. This cell will designate that user as being eligible to be contacted.

Util Functions

within index.js we have some util functions and some JSDoc type definitions. You can find them all in the "UTILS" section of index.js.

Program Eligibility Functions

All of the functions which determine eligibility are in the "Program Eligibility Functions" section of index.js. These functions are meant to be accessed from the object checkIsEligibleFor.