History missing when file moved to another VSS project
GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 1 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
My VSS repo has been split into a number of smaller GitHub repos by using
vss2git to import sub-projects instead of from $/. Where I have moved both
files and projects "sideways" they have not had their full history imported.
1. Create a project in VSS with a file, e.g. $/Project-A/MyFile.txt
2. Edit the file a few times to give it some history
3. Create a new project parallel to it, e.g. $/Project-B
4. Use the VSS "move" command (e.g. right-drag) the file MyFile.txt from
Project-A to Project-B
When using vss2git to create a new Git repo from $/Project-B the files in the
Project-B folder only have the history for the single revision that existed
when the file was moved. The prior revisions from its time under $/Project-A
are missing.
I'm using and have seen this on both XP and Vista.
My suspicion is that although vss2git can trace the history back (it seems to
detect all the older revisions from the looks of the progress messages), it is
somehow filtering them out because the import is requested to be rooted on
$/Project-B, which is not a parent of where the original revisions took place.
The following GitHub repos of mine shows that no history exists (and has a
commit date based on the time the file was moved in VSS, not the time the last
revision took place).
Original issue reported on code.google.com by chrisold...@gmail.com
on 27 Oct 2013 at 9:52
MobesE46 commented
I have the same problem. I'm on VSS 6.0. I noticed that if I try to recursively view the history within VSS on the folder that I moved the other projects into, I also only get the history of the move itself. It's only when I view history on one of the projects/folders that was moved do I get the full recursive file history.
I have no idea how this tool is coded, but my guess is that this is probably a limitation within VSS that's causing this. It's probably coded to only pull the recursive history for the current project/folder you selected as the "Project".