
Code doesn't work with WYSIWYG

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Exploring root cause but not an issue for me at the moment, as i use markdown on the site for which I wrote this.

It seems to have something to do with the fact that the WYSIWYG ends up in an IFRAME element.

I just found this plugin for ckeditor.

While not generic for WYSIWYG module, CKeditor is planned as the wysiwyg for D8 and it's the one I always use anyways. Perhaps this library would be an easy way to support ckeditor?

I'll preface all these comments with a caveat that this is one area I don't have much experience in.

I like the direction 8 is taking, but from my limited exp, d 7 ckeditor has a lot of problems integrating w wysiwyg and getting ck plugins to work in Drupal. Using the CKeditor module instead of wysiwyg seems to resolve a lot of this. Tinymce seems to do the better job, but I'm only now getting into the issues in any real depth.

Maybe this is one of those situations where multiple paths are needed to solve
The issue. If so, this will be valuable.