
error rendering create_db for Belgium

mvarewyck opened this issue · 1 comments

I could run the download step.
It fails to run the 2nd step here:

Error message:

Quitting from lines 157-169 (2_create_db.Rmd) 
Error in connection_import_file(conn@ptr, name, value, sep, eol, skip) : 
  RS_sqlite_import: /home/mvarewyck/git/occ-cube-alien/data/raw/0089458-210914110416597_occurrence.txt line 3319620 expected 250 columns of data but found 207

Thanks for reporting this and sorry for answering so late, I was on holiday.
It seems that the txt file is corrupted at that specific line. You can try to open it via Sublime Text Editor and explore that specific line via GoTo Line (Ctrl+G) tool.

Triggering a new download can also help, of course.