
OntoNotes 5.0 Version

addiu opened this issue · 2 comments

addiu commented

Dear authors,
thanks a lot for the nice work and the git repository.

I have the access of the original/raw OnotoNotes 5.0 data, yet I am not clear how the preprocessing has been done on your side.

  1. Your repository offers this link for preprocessing; it is mentioned that there are two versions: v4 and v12. May I know which one are you using?
  2. According to the paper, it seems that you neither use v4 nor v12. Instead, you seem to use the flat version of OntoNotes 5.0. If so, may I know the reason for that? Also, I don't know how to access the flat version of the OntoNotes 5.0 dataset, even on their official repository.
  3. In general, do you know which OntoNotes version we should use? v4, v12 or flat?

Thanks a lot!

Hi, we used the v4 version. In the study of named entity recognition, v4 version is more general. Also, regardless of v4 or v12, OntoNotes 5.0 dataset has only flat named entities.

addiu commented

thanks a lot for the quick clarification!