
cannot source tridactylrc in flatpak

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I'm running firefox in flatpak, and i'm trying to source my tridactylrc in ~/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc. Doing :viewsource ~/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc, also tried the full path, but nothing.

  • Tridactyl version (:version): 1.23.0pre6803-89a7e613

  • Firefox version (Top right menu > Help > About Firefox): 118.0.2 (64-bit)

  • Config (in a new tab, run :viewconfig --user, copy the url and paste it somewhere like

  • Contents of ~/.tridactylrc or ~/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc (if they exist):

Insert tridactylrc contents between the backticks

Firefox is able to access the file when I navigate to file:///home/<user>/.config/tridactyl/tridactylrc

Worth noting, I've had to manually expose that directory via KDE's built-in FlatSeal alternative.

more basic potential issues:

  • the command is :source, not :viewsource :)
  • what's the output of :native? What about :! ls ~?

Have you followed tridactyl/tridactyl#containerizedsandboxed-firefox-installations ?

I did! But :native still complains that it's not installed, though the permissions have definitely been set up.

$ flatpak permission-show org.mozilla.firefox
Table             Object            App                 Permissions                  Data
notifications     notification      org.mozilla.firefox yes                          0x00
background        background        org.mozilla.firefox yes                          0x00
webextensions     tridactyl         org.mozilla.firefox yes                          0x00
desktop-used-apps application/x-rpm org.mozilla.firefox,1,3         0x00
desktop-used-apps text/plain        org.mozilla.firefox nvim,1,3                     0x00

the command is :source, not :viewsource :)

Ah sorry, that's a copy paste error. I was actually doing :source.

I do wonder, why is native needed to source from the filesystem considering Firefox has access to the rc?

Seems like native messaging might not be supported in Flatpak just yet as a PR is still pending: flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal#705

I gave up. Went back to the rpm build. Had a few other issues with Firefox in Flatpak.

@hoshsadiq FWIW, you can install the native messenger inside the sandbox in the meanwhile: tridactyl/native_messenger#70