
`find` command errors out when match is found, but outside of viewport

Closed this issue · 1 comments

version: 1.23.0pre6867-ff696b5c

Error Message:

# controller in excmd: TypeError: Window.getComputedStyle: Argument 1 does not implement interface Element.


controller in excmd:  TypeError: Window.getComputedStyle: Argument 1 does not implement interface Element.
    <anonymous> index.ts:278
    r index.ts:360
    scrollIntoView finding.ts:110
    focus finding.ts:118
    focusHighlight finding.ts:260
    jumpToNextMatch finding.ts:317
    jumpToMatch finding.ts:245
    find4 .excmds_content.generated.ts:1299
    acceptExCmd controller.ts:28
    handler messaging.ts:50
    onMessage messaging.ts:217
    log logging.ts:42
    acceptExCmd controller.ts:31
    handler messaging.ts:50
    onMessage messaging.ts:217

The relevant function makes a call out to scrollCompute function of compute-scroll-into-view package which was recently updated (10bb3e0) which might be relevant.

I draft that PR with compute-scroll-into-view@v1.0.17.
I use a tricky way to make it compute the scroll actions for a range object.
It seem not to work in 3.1.0.